Named after its founding benefactor, Sir Andrew Barclay Walker, a former mayor of Liverpool and wealthy brewer, the Walker Art Gallery opened in 1877. The Gallery's Director in the early years of the 20th Century, Frank Lambert, first acquired a group of Camden Town pictures to build up a 20th Century Collection. The most significant catalyst for growing the collection in this area has been the philanthropy of Littlewoods retail and football pools company Sir John Moores. Purchases made from the biennial John Moores Painting Prize that has been running since 1957, has seen works including David Hockney's 1967 prize-winning painting Peter Getting Out of Nick's Pool enter the collection. Part One: Gillian Ayres to David Hockney.
Gillian Ayres (1930–2018)
Aeolus 1987
Gillian Ayres (1930–2018)
Oil on canvas
H 213 x W 213 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Martin Bell (1907–1970)
Bombed Houses 1943
Martin Bell (1907–1970)
Oil on canvas
H 40.6 x W 51.1 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Charles Neville Bertram (1908–1999)
Quadripartite Form c.1958
Charles Neville Bertram (1908–1999)
H 43.1 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Robert Polhill Bevan (1865–1925)
Under the Hammer 1914
Robert Polhill Bevan (1865–1925)
Oil on canvas
H 63.7 x W 91.7 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Oswald Hornby Joseph Birley (1880–1952)
A View of Windsor Castle 1939
Oswald Hornby Joseph Birley (1880–1952)
Oil on canvas
H 56.5 x W 74.6 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Emily Beatrice Bland (1864–1951)
View from Vence 1933
Emily Beatrice Bland (1864–1951)
Oil on board
H 62.8 x W 76.2 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Sandra Blow (1925–2006)
Sphere, Alabaster 1961
Sandra Blow (1925–2006)
Emulsion & alabaster on board
H 137.2 x W 122 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Stephen Bone (1904–1958)
Ardrossan c.1944
Stephen Bone (1904–1958)
Oil on canvas
H 51 x W 61.2 cm
Walker Art Gallery
David Bomberg (1890–1957)
Mount Saint Hilarion and the Castle Ruins 1948
David Bomberg (1890–1957)
Oil on canvas
H 93.5 x W 127.5 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Sydney Bonner (1918–1996)
Looking East, Heading West 1963
Sydney Bonner (1918–1996)
Oil on board
H 160 x W 209.6 cm
Walker Art Gallery
John Randall Bratby (1928–1992)
Baby in a Pram in a Garden 1956
John Randall Bratby (1928–1992)
Oil on board
H 122 x W 144.1 cm
Walker Art Gallery
© the artist's estate / Bridgeman Images. Image credit: Walker Art Gallery
Phyllis Bray (1911–1991)
August Evening c.1940–1949
Phyllis Bray (1911–1991)
Oil on canvas
H 61 x W 91.4 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Thomas Burke (1906–1945)
The Student 1938
Thomas Burke (1906–1945)
Oil on canvas
H 101.3 x W 76.1 cm
Walker Art Gallery
George Anthony Butler (1927–2010)
Fish on the Shore 1959
George Anthony Butler (1927–2010)
Oil on board
H 61.3 x W 76.2 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell (1883–1937)
The Sea Avenue 1934
Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell (1883–1937)
Oil on panel
H 37 x W 44.8 cm
Walker Art Gallery
David Young Cameron (1865–1945)
Nightfall, Luxor 1910
David Young Cameron (1865–1945)
Oil on canvas
H 101.6 x W 68.5 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Patrick Caulfield (1936–2005)
Still Life, Autumn Fashion 1978
Patrick Caulfield (1936–2005)
Acrylic on canvas
H 61 x W 76.2 cm
Walker Art Gallery
George Clausen (1852–1944)
The Golden Barn 1901
George Clausen (1852–1944)
Oil on canvas
H 123.2 x W 108 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Prunella Clough (1919–1999)
Man with a Blow Lamp 1950
Prunella Clough (1919–1999)
Oil on canvas
H 54.8 x W 45.8 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Bernard Cohen (b.1933)
Painting 96 1960
Bernard Cohen (b.1933)
Oil on canvas
H 244 x W 366 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Cecil Collins (1908–1989)
Landscape, Storm 1951
Cecil Collins (1908–1989)
Oil on canvas
H 63.5 x W 81.3 cm
Walker Art Gallery
© Tate / Tate Images. Image credit: Walker Art Gallery
Charles Conder (1868–1909)
Newquay 1906
Charles Conder (1868–1909)
Oil on canvas
H 64.2 x W 77.2 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Philip Connard (1875–1958)
Pastoral Players 1922
Philip Connard (1875–1958)
Oil on canvas
H 102.5 x W 128.3 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Francis Ferdinand Maurice Cook (1907–1978)
London ARP 1938
Francis Ferdinand Maurice Cook (1907–1978)
Oil on plywood
H 40.6 x W 50.7 cm
Walker Art Gallery
John Copley (1875–1950)
Conversation in a Street 1934
John Copley (1875–1950)
Oil on canvas
H 101 x W 99 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Teresa Copnall (1882–1972)
A Mixed Bunch 1932
Teresa Copnall (1882–1972)
Oil on canvas
H 63.8 x W 63.4 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Michael Craig-Martin (b.1941)
A Glass of Water c.1984
Michael Craig-Martin (b.1941)
Oil on aluminium & steel
H 203 x W 109 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Charles Ernest Cundall (1890–1971)
The Fish Market, Brighton 1931
Charles Ernest Cundall (1890–1971)
Oil on canvas
H 71 x W 91.5 cm
Walker Art Gallery
© the artist's estate / Bridgeman Images. Image credit: Walker Art Gallery
Cyrus Cuneo (1879–1916)
The Diners 1913
Cyrus Cuneo (1879–1916)
Oil on board
H 60.9 x W 48 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Stanley Cursiter (1887–1976)
Black, White and Silver 1921
Stanley Cursiter (1887–1976)
Oil on canvas
H 86.5 x W 102 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Robyn Denny (1930–2014)
Hall of the Ambassadors 1963
Robyn Denny (1930–2014)
Oil on canvas
H 209.4 x W 180 cm
Walker Art Gallery
André Derain (1880–1954)
L'italienne c.1921–1922
André Derain (1880–1954)
Oil on canvas on plywood
H 91 x W 72 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Peter Doig (b.1959)
Blotter 1993
Peter Doig (b.1959)
Oil on canvas
H 249 x W 199 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Thomas Cantrell Dugdale (1880–1952)
Underground 1932
Thomas Cantrell Dugdale (1880–1952)
Oil on canvas
H 76.5 x W 102 cm
Walker Art Gallery
William Denis Eden (1878–1949)
Griselda at the 'Wheatsheaf' 1911
William Denis Eden (1878–1949)
Oil on canvas
H 45.7 x W 35.5 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Georg Eisler (1928–1998)
Hillsborough 1989
Georg Eisler (1928–1998)
Oil on canvas
H 132.3 x W 152.5 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Richard Ernst Eurich (1903–1992)
The 'Ship Inn' 1935
Richard Ernst Eurich (1903–1992)
Oil on canvas
H 86.4 x W 130.8 cm
Walker Art Gallery
© the artist's estate / Bridgeman Images. Image credit: Walker Art Gallery
Michael Robert Evans (b.1934)
Red and Grey Painting 1968
Michael Robert Evans (b.1934)
Acrylic on canvas
H 122 x W 122 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Joseph Farquharson (1846–1935)
Dawn 1903
Joseph Farquharson (1846–1935)
Oil on canvas
H 102.1 x W 153.2 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Sheila Mary Fell (1931–1979)
Houses near Number Five Pit 1957
Sheila Mary Fell (1931–1979)
Oil on canvas
H 127.3 x W 102 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Bernard Fleetwood-Walker (1893–1965)
Amity 1933
Bernard Fleetwood-Walker (1893–1965)
Oil on canvas
H 101.3 x W 94.7 cm
Walker Art Gallery
William Russell Flint (1880–1969)
The Festival of Santa Eulalia, Andalusia c.1932
William Russell Flint (1880–1969)
Oil on canvas
H 76.2 x W 101.6 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Elizabeth Adela Forbes (1859–1912)
Blackberry Gathering 1912
Elizabeth Adela Forbes (1859–1912)
Oil on canvas
H 83.9 x W 99.8 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Kenneth Forbes (1892–1980)
The Earring 1924
Kenneth Forbes (1892–1980)
Oil on canvas
H 76.8 x W 64 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Lucian Freud (1922–2011)
Interior at Paddington 1951
Lucian Freud (1922–2011)
Oil on canvas
H 152.4 x W 114.3 cm
Walker Art Gallery
© Lucian Freud Archive / Bridgeman Images. Image credit: Walker Art Gallery
Elisabeth Frink (1930–1993)
Small Winged Figure 1961
Elisabeth Frink (1930–1993)
H 45 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Roger Eliot Fry (1866–1934)
Still Life with a Biscuit Tin and Pots 1918
Roger Eliot Fry (1866–1934)
Oil on canvas
H 63.5 x W 77.5 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Terry Frost (1915–2003)
Indian Red 1959
Terry Frost (1915–2003)
Oil on canvas
H 127 x W 101.5 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Ethel Léontine Gabain (1883–1950)
Diana Wynyard in 'The Silent Knight' 1938
Ethel Léontine Gabain (1883–1950)
Oil on canvas
H 101.5 x W 76.2 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Eric Peter Gill (1914–2009)
Prenton Claypits 1940
Eric Peter Gill (1914–2009)
Oil on panel
H 50 x W 61.5 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Harold Gilman (1876–1919)
Mrs Mounter 1916
Harold Gilman (1876–1919)
Oil on canvas
H 91.8 x W 61.5 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Charles Ginner (1878–1952)
Le quai ensoleillé, Dieppe c.1911
Charles Ginner (1878–1952)
Oil on canvas
H 64.8 x W 46 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Spencer Gore (1878–1914)
The Garden, Garth House 1908
Spencer Gore (1878–1914)
Oil on canvas
H 54 x W 61 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Laura Sylvia Gosse (1881–1968)
Lilies and Fruit c.1925–1934
Laura Sylvia Gosse (1881–1968)
Oil on canvas
H 61.4 x W 51 cm
Walker Art Gallery
© the artist's estate / Bridgeman Images. Image credit: Walker Art Gallery
George Graham (1881–1949)
Winter, Winchelsea 1933
George Graham (1881–1949)
Oil on canvas
H 86.4 x W 101.8 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Duncan Grant (1885–1978)
Farm in Sussex 1934
Duncan Grant (1885–1978)
Oil on canvas
H 85 x W 127.7 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Hugh Gresty (1899–1958)
Spanish City, Avila c.1932
Hugh Gresty (1899–1958)
Oil on canvas
H 76.5 x W 89 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Edward Irvine Halliday (1902–1984)
Athena and Arachne c.1929
Edward Irvine Halliday (1902–1984)
Oil & tempera on panel
H 36.5 x W 26 cm
Walker Art Gallery
James Hamilton Hay (1874–1916)
The Falling Star 1909
James Hamilton Hay (1874–1916)
Oil on canvas
H 64 x W 76.8 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Barbara Hepworth (1903–1975)
Two Spheres in Orbit 1973
Barbara Hepworth (1903–1975)
H 31 x W 57.2 x D 36 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Derek Hill (1916–2000)
Girone del Arno in Winter c.1950
Derek Hill (1916–2000)
Oil on canvas
H 30.5 x W 61 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Roger Hilton (1911–1975)
March 1963 1963
Roger Hilton (1911–1975)
Oil on canvas
H 116.8 x W 177.8 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Ivon Hitchens (1893–1979)
The Great Mill, Fordingbridge c.1945–1954
Ivon Hitchens (1893–1979)
Oil on canvas
H 42 x W 109.2 cm
Walker Art Gallery
David Hockney (b.1937)
Peter Getting out of Nick's Pool 1966
David Hockney (b.1937)
Acrylic on board
H 152 x W 152 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Lily Holden (active 1958–1988)
The Pawnshop, Scotland Road 1959
Lily Holden (active 1958–1988)
Oil on canvas
H 45.7 x W 61 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Charles John Holmes (1868–1936)
The Yellow Wall, Blackburn 1932
Charles John Holmes (1868–1936)
Oil on canvas
H 68.5 x W 76.2 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Harry Taylor Hoodless (1913–1997)
Winter Evening on the Solway 1952
Harry Taylor Hoodless (1913–1997)
Oil on board
H 71 x W 91.5 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Henry Silkstone Hopwood (1860–1914)
Morning 1909
Henry Silkstone Hopwood (1860–1914)
Oil on canvas
H 55.7 x W 42.2 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Edward Atkinson Hornel (1864–1933)
The Captive Butterfly 1905
Edward Atkinson Hornel (1864–1933)
Oil on canvas
H 123.5 x W 153 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Nicholas Horsfield (1917–2005)
A Liverpool Street 1958
Nicholas Horsfield (1917–2005)
Oil on canvas
H 76 x W 63.5 cm
Walker Art Gallery
John Horwill (1927–1997)
Cumberland Field 1955
John Horwill (1927–1997)
Oil on board
H 83.8 x W 122 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Francis Howard (1874–1954)
Interlude 1915
Francis Howard (1874–1954)
Oil on canvas
H 167.6 x W 150.8 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Margaret Hughes (b.1930)
Old Man 1952
Margaret Hughes (b.1930)
Oil on canvas
H 61 x W 40.6 cm
Walker Art Gallery
Explore artists in this Curation
View all 73-
Bernard Fleetwood-Walker (1893–1965)
James Hamilton Hay (1874–1916)
Gillian Ayres (1930–2018)
Thomas Cantrell Dugdale (1880–1952)
Philip Connard (1875–1958)
Spencer Gore (1878–1914)
William Denis Eden (1878–1949)
Cecil Collins (1908–1989)
Charles Ernest Cundall (1890–1971)
Michael Craig-Martin (b.1941)
- View all 73