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'The Dance' comes from a set of four (with P383, P386 and P400), each of which was accompanied by a sentimental poem by Charles Moraine explaining the amorous subject matter of the picture. The poet draws a parallel between dance and love in the poem relating to 'The Dance', maintaining that each require art and the correct observation of etiquette to succeed. The pictures may possibly be identified with the pastoral scenes attributed to Lancret which decorated the reverse of a screen bought by the 4th Marquess of Hertford at the Prouteau de Montlouis sale in 1851. The same screen incorporated four of Boucher’s mythological paintings in The Wallace Collection (see Boucher P429, P438, P444 and P432), and was believed in the nineteenth century to have belonged to Madame de Pompadour.

The Wallace Collection



The Dance




oil on canvas


H 56.7 x W 45.7 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

acquired by Richard Seymour-Conway, 4th Marquess of Hertford, possibly 1851; bequeathed to the nation by Lady Wallace, 1897

Work type



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The Wallace Collection

Hertford House, Manchester Square, London, Greater London W1U 3BN England

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