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War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial

© the copyright holder. Image credit: Alan Greenwell / Art UK

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The statue of a figure of a youth holding a torch stands on circular plinth. The youth is as a symbol of liberty, and of victories won by the nation. The head of the statue is crowned with a laurel wreath, and in his hand he holds wreaths of oak and immortelles. Behind the figure is an altar-shaped tomb surmounted by an urn and with two low relief panels carved respectively with a woman bearing a floral tribute, and a soldier’s arms including shield, spear, sword and helmet. Immediately above the inscription, around the centre of the plinth, there is a small relief showing a winged kneeling female figure, probably an angel, relinquishing a sheathed sword behind her and laying a wreath or palm branch.

War Memorial




Stancliffe stone


H 450 x W 90 x D 90 cm (E);
Plinth: H 450 x W 200 x D 200 cm (E)

Accession number


Acquisition method

purchased by public subscription

Work type

War memorial


Fleetwood Town Council


Fleetwood Town Council

Work status


Listing status

Grade II (England and Wales)

Unveiling date

22nd October 1927

Listing date



at all times

Signature/marks description

on the step at the bottom of the base: H. TYSON SMITH / SCULPTOR

Inscription description

around the top of the plinth: FOR FREEDOM LOVING BRITONS, THE BELOVED ONES DIED FOR US; beneath figure on west face: TO THE MEMORY / OF THE MEN OF / FLEETWOOD WHO / GAVE THEIR LIVES / FOR THEIR COUNTRY / 1914-1918 / AND IN GRATEFUL / REMEMBRANCE OF / THOSE WHO SHARED / ITS DANGER; on the other faces of the circular plinth are inscribed with the names of the fallen; on base: TO YOU FROM FALLING HANDS WE THROW THE TORCH, BE YOURS TO HOLD IT HIGH. MAN MUST STILL STRIVE, PRINCIPLES DO NOT APPLY THEMSELVES; on octagonal lower base: 1939-1945 TO THE MEMORY OF THOSE WHO CONTINUED THE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM AND THE CHRISTIAN WAY OF LIFE; slate tablets attached to the plinth immediately beneath the inscription, and to the four circular flower planters placed at the corners of the plinth's base step, are inscribed with the names of the fallen; slate tablet affixed to the south face beneath the World War II dedication is inscribed: TO THE MEMORY OF THOSE WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES / IN THE SERVICE OF THEIR COUNTRY POST 1945 (one name)


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Located at

near Park Avenue, Fleetwood


In the triangular Memorial Park, surrounded by housing.