Street Scene, Ystradgynlais

© estate of Josef Herman. All rights reserved, DACS 2024. Image credit: Ben Uri Collection

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Shrouded in darkness but studded with jewels of colour, this street scene, exudes tranquillity as twilight descends upon the village. The working man standing in the doorway marks the moment at the end of the day when work ceases and the tired labourers wander home.

Born in Poland in 1911, the son of a cobbler, Josef Herman grew up in a mainly Jewish working-class area of Warsaw. Forced to emigrate in 1938, he travelled through Belgium and France before settling in Britain in 1940. His entire family was killed in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1942.

In 1944, when Herman visited the tiny mining town of Ystradgynlais in South Wales, he was drawn to the close-knit community with its own language, customs and culture. He made his home there for the next 11 years and his dignified studies of miners and their families made his reputation as a painter.

Ben Uri Gallery & Museum



Street Scene, Ystradgynlais




oil on canvas


H 42 x W 50.9 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

gift from the estate of Jolanta Neufeld, 2009

Work type


Inscription description

Josef Herman 1945


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Ben Uri Gallery & Museum

108a Boundary Road, St John's Wood, London, Greater London NW8 0RH England

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