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Monument to William Pitt (1708–1778), Earl of Chatham
Monument to William Pitt (1708–1778), Earl of Chatham
Monument to William Pitt (1708–1778), Earl of Chatham
Monument to William Pitt (1708–1778), Earl of Chatham
Monument to William Pitt (1708–1778), Earl of Chatham
Monument to William Pitt (1708–1778), Earl of Chatham
Monument to William Pitt (1708–1778), Earl of Chatham
Monument to William Pitt (1708–1778), Earl of Chatham
Monument to William Pitt (1708–1778), Earl of Chatham
Monument to William Pitt (1708–1778), Earl of Chatham

Image credit: Paul Francis / Art UK

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The obelisk and pedestal are traditional in design and built of ashlar limestone. There are four slate panels, each inset on the sides of the pedestal. Two have Latin inscriptions and one has an English text. The fourth is blank.

Monument to William Pitt (1708–1778), Earl of Chatham




limestone ashlar


H 8000 x W (?) x D (?) cm;
Plinth: H (?) x W 145 x D 145 cm

Accession number


Work type



Bristol City Council


Bristol City Council

Work status


Listing status

Grade II* (England and Wales)

Listing date



at all times

Inscription description

on the west face is the full text that Sir William Draper intended to display; it was not inscribed in this form until 1883, 115 years after its composition: VIRO MEMORABILIIN VICTO / QUI IN DUBIIS TREPIDISQ REBUS / PATRIAE LABORANTI / VINDICEM SEIMPAVIDUM OBTULIT / RUENTIS IMPERIISTATOR / CONSILII EXEMPLI SINGULARISAUCTOR / ET AUSUS ET GRANDIA ASSECUTUS / NOMINIS BRITANNICI / REIQ MILITARISGLORIAM / JAM PROPE INTERMORTUAM / RESUSCITAVIT ADAUXIT / QUI ORBEM FEREUNIVERSUM ANIMO COMPLEXUS / HOSTIBUSTERRA MARIQ PROFLIGATIS / EUROPAM ASIAMAFRICAM AMERICAM / VICTORIIS PERAGRAVIT / TRUMPHIS ILLUSTRAVIT / GULIELMO PITTCOMITI DE CHATHAM / HOC AMICITIAEPRIVATAE TESTIMONIUM / SIMUL ET HONORISPUBLICI MONUMENTUM / POSUIT GULIELMUSDRAPER [To a renowned and invincible man who in uncertain and troubled times came forward as the fearless avenger of his afflicted country, the sustainer of a falling empire, the matchless author of wise counsel. He dared and accomplished mighty deeds; the glory of Britain’s name and its military reputation, so far decayed, he resurrected and increased; encompassing almost the whole world in his mind, he overthrew the enemy on land and sea; victoriously he traversed Europe, Asia,Africa, America and brightened them with his triumphs. To William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, William Draper has erected this monument both as a testimony of private friendship and public honour.]; inscribed on the slate panel on the east face is the original dedication, as requested by Pitt, being the last four lines of the longer inscription: GULIELMO PITT COMITI DECHATHAM / HOC AMICITIAE PRIVATAE TESTIMONIUM / SIMUL ET HONORIS PUBLICI MONUMENTUM / POSUIT GULIELMUS DRAPER; on the north face: THE ENTIRE DEDICATION / COMPOSED BY SIR WILLIAM DRAPER / IN 1768 / IS NOW / IN ACCORDANCE WITH HIS ORIGINAL INTENTION / INSCRIBED ON THIS MONUMENT / ON ITS REMOVAL HITHER / FROM THE GROUNDS OF MANILLA HALL / 1883. / JOSEPH D WESTON MAYOR.


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Located at

Suspension Bridge Road, Bristol City


Situated on the grassed area at the junction of Suspension Bridge Road and Clifton Down.