Millennium Milestone in Time
Millennium Milestone in Time
Millennium Milestone in Time
Millennium Milestone in Time
Millennium Milestone in Time
Millennium Milestone in Time
Millennium Milestone in Time
Millennium Milestone in Time
Millennium Milestone in Time

© the copyright holder. Image credit: Edward Mills / Art UK

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The shaft is constructed from three blocks of Hopton Wood limestone, a hard marble limestone from Derbyshire and the capping stone is in Welsh slate. It has a total weight of approximately 900 kg or 18 cwt.

On face one there is a relief carving of the 'Polling 2000' symbol; face two has carved lettering – a poem by Jenny Inglis; face three is a carved relief of an oak tree; face four is a carved relief of Saint Nicholas and of the parish church, and a carved relief of a Maltese or Saint John's cross.

Millennium Milestone in Time




Hopton Wood limestone, Welsh slate & marble


H 91.5 x W (?) x D (?) cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

commissioned by the Poling 2000 Action Group (local village funds raised from fetes etc.)

Work type



Poling Parish Council


Poling Parish Council

Work status


Unveiling date

4th September 2005


at all times

Signature/marks description

base of shaft, carved letters: Carved by / P. READ / of Poling

Inscription description

base of the shaft, carved letters: MUCH FUN WAS HAD BY THE VILLAGERS / OF POLING IN RAISING FUNDS TO PROVIDE / THIS STONE. AFTER PATIENTLY WAITING / FOR THE STONEMASON TO DO HIS WORK / THE MILESTONE IN TIME WAS ERECTED IN / + 2005 +; face of the shaft: OAK TREES WERE PLANTED IN / 2002 TO COMMEMORATE THE / GOLDEN JUBILEE OF / QUEEN ELIZABETH II / "I will go north about the shaws / And the deep ghylls that breed / Huge oaks and old, the which we hold / No more than Sussex weed" / Kipling; face of the shaft, a poem by Jenny Inglis: NOT POLING - PALING / Previous to a church's tower / Brackish water stained the / mire. / A tiny hamlet perched on / staves / Not Poling - Paling lapped / by waves. / Where do they sleep, the / ancient folk? / Who ploughed with oxen, / glazed a pot. / We who have settled / close to bones, / Rekindle, re-enact their / souls. / J.M. Inglis


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Located at

Poling Street, Poling

BN18 9PR

Located on a grass verge, next to the 'Old Priory' at the entrance to the village from the A27.