L’allée au bois (The Woodland Path)

Image credit: National Museums NI

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'L'allée au bois' was painted between 1874 and 1880 in a wood near Paris, although the precise location is unknown. The small light-filled woodland scene is a purely Impressionist work giving the viewer the sense of entering a forest glade where a light breeze gently rustles leaves and grasses in the heat and dappled shade of a late afternoon summer’s day.

Ulster Museum



L’allée au bois (The Woodland Path)




oil on canvas


H 47.5 x W 60 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

accepted in lieu of Inheritance tax by HM Government in 2023 and allocated to the Ulster Museum with the assistance of grants from the Department for Communities, the Art Fund, with a contribution from The Wolfson Foundation, the Esmé Mitchell Trust and the Friends of the Ulster Museum

Work type


Signature/marks description

artist's name, lower right


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Ulster Museum

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