
© the artist's estate. Image credit: Victor Batte-Lay Foundation

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Ayrton’s artistic transition into sculpture was influenced by his research and seminal publication on the proto-Renaissance sculptor Giovanni Pisano and a trip to Crete in 1958 which initiated his fascination with mythology. Aryon’s shift in media was a natural development; he noted ‘There are times when one’s drawings, coming out from the paper, insist on becoming sculpture, at the next stage, rather than painting’. This was marked by the artist’s move to Essex for more studio and intellectual space from the city. At this time, his friend Henry Moore offered Ayrton technical guidance. 'Kore' (1965) in The Minories Collection exemplifies how, like his mentor, Ayrton always preserved an element of the figurative in his sculpture.

The Minories, Victor Batte-Lay Foundation









H 34 x W 35 x D 25 cm

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The Minories, Victor Batte-Lay Foundation

The Minories 74 High St, Colchester, Essex CO1 1UG England

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