
© The estate of Sir Jacob Epstein / Tate Images. Image credit: Leicester Museums and Galleries

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Epstein worked from Sunita, one of his Indian models and whose real name was Amina Peerbhoy and who died in 1932, but has subtly altered her characteristics to shape a new identity. The almond-shaped eyes link to conventions of classical Indian sculpture, but the artist goes further into the psychological realm by making them large and unfilled, charging the face with a more pronounced, deeper energy.

The archangel Israfel was said to have 'the sweetest voice of all God's creatures' (Koran), but stood ready at God's command to blow the awesome trumpet that would resurrect the dead at the Day of Judgement.

Epstein's work suggests a latent power akin to the heavenly Israfel, who despite being capable of great love, also has enormous power and strength.

Leicester Museum & Art Gallery









H 52 x W 51 x D 31 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

gift from Harold F. Smith

Work type



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Leicester Museum & Art Gallery

53 New Walk, Leicester, Leicestershire LE1 7EA England

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