Horton Tower (Sturt's Folly)
Horton Tower (Sturt's Folly)
Horton Tower (Sturt's Folly)
Horton Tower (Sturt's Folly)
Horton Tower (Sturt's Folly)
Horton Tower (Sturt's Folly)
Horton Tower (Sturt's Folly)
Horton Tower (Sturt's Folly)
Horton Tower (Sturt's Folly)
Horton Tower (Sturt's Folly)
Horton Tower (Sturt's Folly)
Horton Tower (Sturt's Folly)

Image credit: Nigel Wood / Art UK

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A folly in the form of a tower, said to have been built as an 'observatory', probably for Humphrey Sturt. The work is hexagonal in plan with round turrets to alternate faces. There are seven storeys, with a turret rising for five, with pointed brick lancets. It has moulded brick string courses to the third floor, while the fifth floor has modillioned brick cornice with pediments to the central bays and brick domes to turrets, and similar cornice to the seventh floor. It is said to have once been the tallest non-religious building in Britain. Sturt was Lord of Horton Manor, and was also an MP for Dorset (1745–1786).

Horton Tower (Sturt's Folly)




brick & Flemish bond


H 4300 x W (?) x D (?) cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

commissioned by Humphrey Sturt

Work type



Dorset Council


Dorset Council

Work status


Listing status

Grade II* (England and Wales)

Listing date



at all times


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Located at

Horton, Wimborne

BH21 7DS

Located in the sheep field close to the public footpath, off Horton to Chalbury Common road.