Head of an Unknown Man
Head of an Unknown Man
Head of an Unknown Man
Head of an Unknown Man
Head of an Unknown Man
Head of an Unknown Man
Head of an Unknown Man

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It has been suggested that the sitter may be Ernest Ohly, the artist's elder brother: if so, it would be a posthumous likeness made 35 years after his death. Ernest (Ernst Georg) was born in March 1877 and married on 3rd December 1910, in Frankfurt-am-Main, to Eva Maud Ellen Gillon (b. 24 December 1878), daughter of John Edmund Dillon and his wife Rebecca. They had one son, Sidney George Gore Ohly (b. 23 October 1911) but Ernest was killed in 1916 at the Battle of the Somme. In September 1939 his widow was living in Hove and his son Sidney died in Brighton in 1989.

A thorough biographical summary of W. F. C. Ohly can be found in The Abbey Art Centre Digital Repository web archive.

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital



Head of an Unknown Man






H 46 x W 21 x D 13.5 cm

Accession number


Work type


Signature/marks description

Base of neck, sitter's own left side: OHLY / 1935


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Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

369 Fulham Road, London, Greater London SW10 9NH England

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