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George Grote, banker, Member of Parliament, and historian of Greece, was a member of the University of London Senate from 1850, and Vice-Chancellor of the University, 1862–1871. He had formerly helped to found University College London. Upon his death, Grote bequeathed his library of an estimated 5,000 volumes, published from 1504 onwards, to the University, where they are held in Senate House Library. The work is in a gilt gesso frame.

Senate House, University of London



George Grote (1794–1871)




oil on canvas


H 126 x W 99 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

received, 1872; 'Dr Storrar presented to the University Portrait of its late Vice-Chancellor, painted by Millais in the last year of Mr Grote's life, at the instance of the Committee of the University of London Portrait Fund, of which Committee Dr Storrar is the Chairman.' – Sen. Min. 98, 15th May 1872

Work type


Signature/marks description

monogrammed and dated


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Normally on display at

Senate House, University of London

Malet St Bloomsbury , London, Greater London WC1E 7HU England

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