Gate Piers and Gates
Gate Piers and Gates
Gate Piers and Gates
Gate Piers and Gates
Gate Piers and Gates
Gate Piers and Gates
Gate Piers and Gates
Gate Piers and Gates

Image credit: Bob Cassey / Art UK

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Two gate piers consisting of an arched opening with impost blocks, flanked by a pair of Doric half columns to the front and back supporting a segmental pediment with crossed palms in the tympanum. There is vermiculated rustication on the plinth and banded rustication on the half columns. The piers are joined to the Lodge on each side by short linking walls. There are two pairs of late nineteenth century wrought iron gates. These gates, and associated Lodge, originally formed the east entrance to the Hamstead Marshall Park estate of William, 1st Earl of Craven.

Gate Piers and Gates


late 17th C–1722



Accession number


Acquisition method

commissioned by William Craven, 1st Earl of Craven

Work type



Benham Park


Benham Park

Work status


Listing status

Grade II (England and Wales)

Listing date



at all times

Inscription description

inscription on tablet in bas-relief over griffin insignia mounted on the gable end of the East Lodge: TOUTS-JOURS-PREST (literal translation, 'ALWAYS READY')


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Located at

Bath Road, Speen

RG20 8JP

Located at the roadside on the south side of Bath Road at the entrance to the East Lodge of Benham Park adjoining Hamstead Marshall Park.