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Formerly known as 'Allegory – The Taking of Jesus', this marble relief is now thought to depict Belisarius reduced to begging by Rome's Pincian Gate (seen at left). He is typically shown with a child who collects alms for him. The principal figure at right, who is crowned, corresponds to the Emperor Justinian (possibly in front of the Empress Theodora), who supposedly had Belisarius blinded after his conviction for conspiracy but later pardoned him. This relief may depict the moment when the emperor, upon seeing the once great general reduced to begging, is moved to forgive him.

Scarborough Art Gallery





18th C




H 45.7 x W 73.7 x D 9.5 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

donated by Mrs Irene Petch, 1956

Work type



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Scarborough Art Gallery

The Crescent, Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO11 2PW England

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