Mrs Justinian Nutt

Image credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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A half-length portrait slightly to the right in a painted oval with a plain background. She wears a black velvet saque, or dress, open at the sleeves and front to reveal a low-cut pink silk under-dress. The slashed sleeves reveal the white cambric chemise underneath, with lace cuffs and edging to the bodice. The sleeves of the saque are gathered at the elbows with large, pink silk bows and there is another at the top of the bodice. Below this is a loop of pearls and she wears earrings of single pear-shaped pearls. The portrait is the pair to one of the sitter's husband, Captain Justinian Nutt (see BHC2915), who in his youth was one of Anson's 'Centurions' and later a Captain of Greenwich Hospital from 1754. The two pictures probably date from the 1750s and are one of few such pairs in the Museum collection.

National Maritime Museum



Mrs Justinian Nutt




oil on canvas


H 76.2 x W 63.5 cm

Accession number


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National Maritime Museum

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