Painter in oil on canvas and board of meticulous figurative and still life pictures, born and worked in London. Her mother was Betty Fraser Myerscough, an artist working with fabric, embroidery and weaving. Ishbel gained a fine art honours degree from Glasgow School of Art, 1987–91; worked in a Glasgow studio for two years, having a first solo show; then gained a higher diploma in fine art with distinction at Slade School of Fine Art, 1993–5. Travelled in America, returned to Britain and had a second one-man show; went to America for the studio programme run by Robert and Susan Summers in Connecticut, then returned to England early in 1997. Awards included John and Mabel Craig Bequest, 1990 and 1991; National Portrait Gallery Portrait Award, commended in 1991/1993, third prize, 1992, first prize, 1995; Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation, 1991/1993; Hunting/Observer Prize for Art (under 24), 1992; and a Rootstein Hopkins Travel Scholarship, 1995.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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