Virgin and Child with Magdalene

Image credit: Scottish Catholic Heritage Collections Museum

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This painting of the Virgin and Child with the Magdalene harks back to traditional iconography of Mary Magdalene. Whilst traditionally shown with the ointment with which she bathes Christ's feet, Magdalene's luxuriant uncovered hair is another symbol of her identity. This is in contrast to the Virgin Mary's covered head. Mary Magdalene is shown kissing the feet of the Christ Child which serves as a precursor to later events; in the Gospel of Luke it is reported that she washes Christ's feet and dries them with her own hair and, later on, she is reported to stand at Christ's feet at his crucifixion. This painting is known to have hung in the Old College of Blairs from the mid-1800s and may well have been a private devotional painting in John Menzies own private chapel in the late eighteenth century.

Scottish Catholic Heritage Collections Museum



Virgin and Child with Magdalene


18th C


oil on canvas


H 107 x W 89 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

gift from William Young and family, after 1887

Work type



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Normally on display at

Scottish Catholic Heritage Collections Museum

South Deeside Road, Blairs, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB12 5YQ Scotland

This venue is closed to the public.
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