Thomas Edwards (1837–1900)
Thomas Edwards (1837–1900)
Thomas Edwards (1837–1900)
Thomas Edwards (1837–1900)
Thomas Edwards (1837–1900)

Image credit: Tony Bennett / Art UK

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A male standing figure wearing academic robes (membership gown of University of Wales), with right arm outstretched, left arm flexed, and holding an open book. A small pile of books is by the statue's left foot.

The idea of a memorial was first suggested by the Rev. J. Gwynoro Davies, Barmouth, at a meeting of the governors of the College at Harlech in April 1914 but further action was halted due to the outbreak of war later that year. In October 1920 the fund was set in motion. By the time of the unveiling, £2,700 had been received and it was hoped to achieve a further £1,300 with the aim of setting up scholarships in the name of Principal Edwards. Thomas Edwards was the first principal of the University College and held the position from 1872 to 1891.

Thomas Edwards (1837–1900)




bronze & granite


H 229 x W (?) x D (?) cm;
Plinth: H 120 x W (?) x D (?) cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

erected by public subscription

Work type



Aberystwyth University


Aberystwyth University

Work status


Listing status

Grade II (England and Wales)

Unveiling date

July 1922

Listing date



time restrictions apply

Signature/marks description

bronze base of statue, on left-hand side: A.B. BURTON / FOUNDER / THAMES DITTON; bronze base of statue, on right-hand side: W. GOSCOMBE JOHN R.A.

Inscription description

incised on front face of pedestal above a small carved Celtic motif: THOMAS CHARLES EDWARDS / 1837 1900


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Located at

New Promenade, Aberystwyth

SY23 2AX

Located in the forecourt of University Old College.