The Ostler Memorial Fountain
The Ostler Memorial Fountain
The Ostler Memorial Fountain
The Ostler Memorial Fountain
The Ostler Memorial Fountain
The Ostler Memorial Fountain
The Ostler Memorial Fountain
The Ostler Memorial Fountain

Image credit: Dave Baxter / Art UK

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A moulded square base with a sunken drinking basin. Each of the four sides of the base has a dog trough in a segmental-headed recess. Above the base are four short columns with red granite shafts and carved foliated capitals. The columns support four cinquefoil-headed arches under pedimental canopies terminating in foliated finials (one missing). From the centre of the canopies rises a spire terminating in a large, foliated finial. In the triangular space above each arch is a blank escutcheon set in a circle, surrounded by carvings of thorn, ivy, maple, buttercup, wheatear, hazel, ground ivy and convolvulus. At the angles from which the canopies spring are carvings of the symbols of the evangelists: Saint Matthew's angel, Saint Mark's winged lion, Saint Luke's ox and Saint John's eagle.


The Ostler Memorial Fountain





Accession number


Acquisition method

erected by public subscription

Work type

Water fountain, trough or pump


Bourne Cemetery

Work status


Listing status

Grade II (England and Wales)

Listing date



at all times

Inscription description

This fountain was erected by subscription for the use of the public in memory of John Lely Ostler, Esq., late of Cawthorpe House, 1860.


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Located at

Bourne Cemetery, South Road, Bourne

PE10 9JE

Located near the entrance of the cemetery.