The Nine Muses

Image credit: Tabley House Collection

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Considerable ingenuity was required in 1840–45 to insert a new staircase on the north side of Tabley House. In forming a staircase, not too steep, and allowing access to the state rooms the Marble Hall was created, celebrating five marble reliefs. 'The Nine Muses' relief depicts Clio the muse of history, sometimes seen sitting with a scroll and accompanied by her chest of books. Melpomene the muse of tragedy is represented by the tragic mask. She is sometimes seen with a garland, a club and a sword. Polyhymnia the muse of sacred poetry often has a pensive look upon her face. Euterpe, the muse of music is represented with a flute. Terpsichore is the muse of dancing and is often seen with a lyre and a plectrum. Calliope, the eldest muses of epic poetry is sometimes depicted holding a writing tablet in hand, a roll of paper or a book, crowned in gold.

Tabley House



The Nine Muses






H 62 x W 210 x D 5.5 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

transferred from the estate of the late John Leicester Warren to the University of Manchester, 1976

Work type



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Tabley House

Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 0HB England

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