Tavistock Court Reliefs
Tavistock Court Reliefs
Tavistock Court Reliefs
Tavistock Court Reliefs
Tavistock Court Reliefs
Tavistock Court Reliefs
Tavistock Court Reliefs
Tavistock Court Reliefs
Tavistock Court Reliefs
Tavistock Court Reliefs
Tavistock Court Reliefs

Image credit: Colleen Rowe Harvey / Art UK

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On one panel a mermaid and merman hold up a shield with a ship on it; on a second panel above the entrance to the building are an identical pair, but with a different ship. Another panel shows a classical warrior kneeling before a large stag, with a crucifix emitting rays of light behind the animal's head; the composition is repeated on another panel, identical but in reverse. A final panel bearing the name 'Tavistock Court', has two shields on it with a praying saintly female on the right and an old monk or saint on the right.

Tavistock Court Reliefs





Accession number


Acquisition method

commissioned by National Free Churches Council

Work type


Work status



at all times


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Located at

Tavistock Square, Camden


Located on the front of Tavistock Court, a block of flats situated on the north west side of Tavistock Square by Endsleigh Street.