Stirrup Ring
Stirrup Ring

Image credit: The Khalili Collections

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This gold filigree ring is among the finest rings made in the Fatimid period. It was assembled from several prefabricated rope-and-grain components and has a liner of sheet gold. Although this type of construction was widespread in the Fatimid period, the workmanship of this ring is exceptional. The interior tie-bars that back the rope-and-grain filigree are almost imperceptible. Some wire ropes forming the skeleton appear to have been flattened slightly before the grains were attached: possibly paired ropes that had been pre-soldered were gently hammered over a metal former to even them up before they were combined with each other to make the ring. Further evidence of care taken to ensure the proper alignment of the parts is the presence of a short length of bent gold wire that would have held the two halves of the ring together during the soldering process.

The Khalili Collections



Stirrup Ring


11th C–12th C


gold sheet, wire & granulation

Accession number


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The Khalili Collections

London, Greater London England

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