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An oak roundel, part of a series of carvings made to decorate the ceiling of the King's Presence Chamber at Stirling Castle, circa 1540. Carved with the profile of a warrior wearing a fanciful helmet, this is thought to represent one of the Nine Worthies, biblical, classical and historical figures associated with attributes chivalry. It is likely that the carvers took their inspiration from similar characters found in late fifteenth century prints. The Stirling Heads are constructed of three panels, originally only secured by glue. The great majority of the Heads, however, are in part constructed in 2-ply, an additional board or block having been placed over the middle board to enable the carver to model the central portion of the medallion in high relief.

Stirling Castle



Stirling Head: Male Worthy






H 73.7 x W 73.7 x D 2.8 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

on loan from Scottish Ministers

Work type



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Stirling Castle

Castle Wynd, Stirling, Stirling FK8 1EJ Scotland

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