Stanrigg Memorial Benches
Stanrigg Memorial Benches
Stanrigg Memorial Benches
Stanrigg Memorial Benches
Stanrigg Memorial Benches
Stanrigg Memorial Benches

Image credit: Gordon Baird / Art UK

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Two benches with cut-out scenes of miners at work in the back rests: men dragging coal, shoring up a tunnel and drilling. They were installed in the Stanrigg Memorial Park shortly after the 101st anniversary of the disaster, which claimed the lives of 19 men and boys on 9th July 1918, when the Stanrigg mine was overwhelmed with an inrush of peat.

Stanrigg Memorial Benches




steel & black paint

Accession number


Acquisition method

gift of Derek Ross, Marton Fabrication

Work type

Street furniture


North Lanarkshire Council


North Lanarkshire Council

Work status



at all times


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Located at

Arbuckle Road Plains, Airdrie


Set at the park entrance.