St Ethelbert's Gate
St Ethelbert's Gate
St Ethelbert's Gate
St Ethelbert's Gate
St Ethelbert's Gate

Image credit: Robert H Taylor / Art UK

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The external elevation is divided into three storeys in the lowest of which is the gateway with flat buttresses on each side carried up the height of two storeys and enriched with pediment niches in both stages. The upper chamber over the arch is decorated with flush work and seven niches under step gables; four are pierced with narrow windows. This was a chapel dedicated to Saint Ethelbert. The upper stage is decorated with three flushwork rose windows – the result of the restoration by Wilkins in 1815. The stonework and carvings were replaced under the supervision of Sir Bernard Feilden in 1964 including the man fighting a dragon, and the Virgin and Child by Frank Beverley.

St Ethelbert's Gate






H 1200 x W 800 x D (?) cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

commissioned by Cathedral Priory

Work type



Dean and Chapter of Norwich Cathedral 


Dean and Chapter of Norwich Cathedral 

Work status


Listing status

Grade I (England and Wales)

Listing date



at all times

Inscription description

two inscriptions: RGC.FEC Restoration 1964; t. S.G. 1828 


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Located at

Tombland, Norwich


Forms part of the of Cathedral Close wall.