St Catherine's Oratory
St Catherine's Oratory
St Catherine's Oratory
St Catherine's Oratory
St Catherine's Oratory
St Catherine's Oratory
St Catherine's Oratory
St Catherine's Oratory
St Catherine's Oratory
St Catherine's Oratory
St Catherine's Oratory
St Catherine's Oratory
St Catherine's Oratory
St Catherine's Oratory
St Catherine's Oratory

Image credit: Bob Cassey / ArtUK

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A medieval lighthouse forming the west tower of an oratory, and the remains of the oratory, set within a medieval enclosure on St Catherine's Hill. The lighthouse survives as a stone tower (known locally as 'The Pepperpot'). It is octagonal on the outside and square within, and originally consisted of four stories. Eight windows on the third floor form the lantern. The lighthouse, which formed the western tower of the oratory, is all that survives of the original building. However, the remains of the walls are visible as earthworks forming three sides of a square with the lighthouse on the open, west side. The oratory walls are about 12 metres apart and survive to a height of one metre. Partial excavations in 1891 revealed the building plan.


St Catherine's Oratory





Accession number


Acquisition method

private funding (Walter de Godeton)

Work type



English Heritage


English Heritage

Work status


Listing status

Grade II (England and Wales)

Listing date



at all times


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Located at

St Catherine's Down, Blackgang Road, Chale Bay

PO38 2JB

Located in the centre of Princess Beatrice Garden at Carisbrooke Castle.