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The sculpture commemorates the aircraft factory which was on the site during the Second World War. The first Spitfire produced at the Castle Bromwich factory rolled off the production line in June 1940. Approximately 11,730 Spitfires were produced before the factory officially closed on 31 March 1946. The name of the sculpture, believed to be the largest in the West Midlands, was chosen to reflect the role of the Spitfire during the Battle of Britain as well as emphasizing the gateway location of the sculpture. The three half-size profile spitfires soar into the air on huge galvanized steel vapour trails. Each spitfire has three supports – one on each wing tip and one on the tailplane. The project was originally conceived in 1998 as a fitting culmination of the artist's three-year residency in Castle Vale.






concrete & galvanised steel


H 100 x W 150 x D (?) cm;
Plinth: H 160 x W 250 x D 50 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

commissioned by Birmingham City Council, and Castle Vale Housing Action Trust

Work type



Birmingham City Council


Birmingham City Council

Work status



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