Prince James Francis Edward Stuart (James III) (1688–1766), 'The Old Pretender'

Image credit: National Trust Images

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The sitter was the only surviving son of the exiled James II (of England and Ireland) and VII (of Scotland) and Mary of Modena. After his father's deposition in 1688 he was raised in France and on his father's death in 1701 he declared himself King. His status was only recognised by France, Spain and the Papal States. This portrait shows him dressed in armour and a blue sash and recalls his military campaigns to reclaim the British throne (1706, 1708 and 1715), all of which were unsuccessful.

This picture is after an original, now in Edinburgh Castle.

National Trust, Lacock Abbey, Fox Talbot Museum and Village

near Chippenham


Prince James Francis Edward Stuart (James III) (1688–1766), 'The Old Pretender'




oil on canvas


H 77 x W 61 cm (E)

Accession number


Acquisition method

bought by private treaty from Petronella Dittmer, Mrs Burnett-Brown, 2009

Work type



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National Trust, Lacock Abbey, Fox Talbot Museum and Village

Lacock, near Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 2PG England

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