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A wood carving depicting a horse galloping through grass, created at the Dowlais Educational Settlement, Merthyr Tydfil. The Dowlais Settlement was set up in the 1930s as a school teaching skills to unemployed workers during the Depression. A number of renowned artists taught at the school including John Dennithorne, Cedric Morris, Heinz Koppel and Arthur Giardelli. This wood carving is one of many produced by students at the school.

Cyfarthfa Castle Museum & Art Gallery

Merthyr Tydfil


Galloping Horse


mid-20th C




H 24 x W 32.5 x D 2 cm

Accession number

CCM 253.005

Acquisition method

bequeathed by John Dennithorne

Work type



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Cyfarthfa Castle Museum & Art Gallery

Brecon Road, Merthyr Tydfil, Merthyr Tydfil (Merthyr Tudful) CF47 8RE Wales

This venue is open to the public. Not all artworks are on display. If you want to see a particular artwork, please contact the venue.
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