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Produced by an inter-disciplinary team of undergraduate students, Flux utilizes aesthetics and techniques from architecture, engineering, and contemporary art. The sculpture makes use of positive and negative space, with considerable thought given to how its shadow impacts the surrounding area. It has been produced using timber from a sustainable forest in Wales, with its dark colour resulting from a burning process inspired by the Japanese wood preservation technique yakisugi. Conceptually, the sculpture references two journeys: its undulating shape is inspired by the ‘student journey’, while the circular cut-out references Loughborough graduate Claudia Parson’s circumnavigation of the world by car (the first by a woman). Yet it is also designed to encourage passers-by to pause and reflect.

Loughborough University







burned & oiled larch wood


H 278 x W 800 x D 289 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

commissioned via competition, 2022; funded by Barry and Valerie Eccleston

Work type



Loughborough University

Installation start date


Installation end date



at all times


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Loughborough University

Epinal Way, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU England

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