Commodore Charles Brown (1678/1679–1753)

Image credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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Brown is shown standing, three-quarter length, turned slightly to his left in a brown coat with a powdered wig falling behind his shoulders, against a rocky coastal background of sea, dark sky and ships attacking a fort to the right. In his right hand he holds a brass-hilted hanger (a pre-regulation fighting sword) across his body. His left hand rests on his hip, just above the coping of a low stone pillar or wall on which lies his telescope, lower right. The background represents the harbour of Portobello, Panama, looking seaward, with the Iron Castle under assault from Brown's ship 'Hampton Court' and others of Admiral Vernon's squadron on 21st November 1739. Brown entered the Navy in 1693, passed for lieutenant in 1700 and became a captain in 1709.

National Maritime Museum



Commodore Charles Brown (1678/1679–1753)


after 1740


oil on canvas


H 127 x W 101.6 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

National Maritime Museum (Greenwich Hospital Collection)

Work type



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National Maritime Museum

Romney Road, Greenwich, London, Greater London SE10 9NF England

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