Coats of Arms on Sutherland Building
Coats of Arms on Sutherland Building
Coats of Arms on Sutherland Building
Coats of Arms on Sutherland Building

Image credit: Susan Dawson / Art UK

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A coat of arms on the Sutherland Building which was founded as the University of Durham College of Medicine. It later became the dental hospital, then a polytechnic building at the time of listing. It is currently part of Northumbria University. Sir Arthur Munro Sutherland was a shipping merchant who served as Sheriff of Newcastle from 1916 to 1917 and as Lord Mayor of Newcastle from 1918 to 1919. Sutherland was a generous philanthropist; he gave Dunstanburgh Castle to the nation in 1929. In 1936 he donated £200,000 to establish a medical school in Newcastle, at the newly named King's College. He later also donated £50,000 to further develop the dental school, founded in 1895. He served as High Sheriff of Northumberland in 1943.

Coats of Arms on Sutherland Building





Accession number


Work type

Coat of arms


Northumbria University


Northumbria University

Work status


Listing status

Grade II (England and Wales)

Listing date



at all times

Inscription description

scroll beneath coat of arms: SCIRE USUM MEDEND; beneath cockerel: J'ESPERES MIEULX


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Located at

College Street, Newcastle upon Tyne