
Image credit: The Khalili Collections

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Elisabeth (1843–1916), only daughter of Hermann, 4th Prince of Wied, married in November 1869 Carol I, prince, later king, of Roumania (1839–1914). In contrast to the pragmatic and austere king, whose efforts transformed what had been an impoverished province into a wealthy state, Queen Elisabeth was an archetypical romantic, described by her successor, Queen Marie, as 'both splendid and absurd. The author of many tales and poems, published under the pseudonym of 'Carmen Sylva', the queen sought out the company of artists, writers and musicians – not all of conspicuous talent – who formed an admiring court around her. Many of them received tokens of her esteem, including Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ (1842–1923), who was given this specially commissioned casket made by the Berlin silversmith Paul Telge.

The Khalili Collections





silver-gilt, opaque & translucent champlevé, painted & gilded enamel, coloured hardstones

Accession number


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Signature/marks description

Signed 'Elisabeth | Carmen Sylva | Poête par la grace de Dieu, Reine par la volonté des homes'

Inscription description

The base is inscribed 'En souvenir des oeuvred | dont les frères André et | Jean Lecomte du Nouÿ | ont dote la Roumanie | T©moignages d'affection | et de reconnaissance ©ternelles | Elisabeth | Sinaïa | Oct. 1897'.


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The Khalili Collections

London, Greater London England

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