Architectural Decoration – Former Crown Bank
Architectural Decoration – Former Crown Bank
Architectural Decoration – Former Crown Bank

Image credit: Robert H Taylor / Art UK

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The exceptional stone cladding of the façade is matched by the crown, more ornate and imposing than the three crowns shown on the shield at the top of the bank’s five-pound notes – those of St Edmund, standing for Suffolk, combined with Norwich’s coat of arms. Earlier in the decade Barnabas Barrett, who had settled in Norwich in 1855, had carved the fine doorway for the second Corn Exchange in Exchange Street.

Architectural Decoration – Former Crown Bank






H 100 x W 300 x D (?) cm

Accession number


Work type


Work status


Listing status

Grade II (England and Wales)

Unveiling date

1st January 1866


at all times

Inscription description

an inscription recording the architect; also a brief history of the change of the custodianship from the Crown Bank – Norwich Head Post Office to Anglia Television (on the wall right side of the entrance); just below the relief: POST OFFICE


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Located at

Agricultural Hall Plain, Norwich


Located on Agricultural Plain just before the Prince of Wales Road; decoration located high on the front façade.