Painter and teacher, born in London, where he continued to work. Self-taught, Joseph taught at Portsmouth College of Art 1969–72. He was awarded a prize at John Moores Exhibition, Liverpool, 1979. Joseph was included in many group shows in Britain, including 1969 environmental work Triple Yellow at Kenwood and the 1970 Yellow Wall at Camden Arts Centre. In 1988 Joseph’s geometrical abstract acrylic Eggshell Blue and Black was included in A Disquieting Suggestion at the University of Southampton’s John Hansard Gallery, and in 1988–9 he was in the South Bank Centre touring show The Presence of Painting. Joseph exhibited solo at Lisson Gallery from 1971, other shows including Galerie Meert Rihoux, Brussels, 1993, and Paintings and works on paper, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, 1994.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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