Sculptor in a variety of materials, notably lignum vitae, and teacher, born in Liverpool. Johnston trained in commercial art at Liverpool School of Art, then served as a physical training instructor in the Royal Marines in World War II. By demobilisation in 1946 he had resolved to be a sculptor; was self-taught while teaching, then chose to work in isolation to avoid influences. In 1956 he began to exhibit in mixed annual exhibitions, notably Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts, RSA and at Paris Salon. Had a first solo show, 1960, in Leatherhead, Surrey, near where he settled at Ashtead, then was associated with O’Hana Gallery until its closure in 1975. Johnston continued to sculpt despite several operations on his wrists, 1978–81, to relieve arthritic pains.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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