Artist in pebble mosaic, born in Warrington, Lancashire, who attended Reading University’s school of fine art, 1962–6. For 20 years she worked with outdoor theatre companies, from 1983 undertaking pebble mosaic pavement commissions. “I think I am the only pebble mosaic practitioner in the United Kingdom.” Her book The Art of Pebble Mosaic was published in 1994. She was a member of Art and Architecture and Artists Working to Commission and her work was to be found in Rose Street, Edinburgh; Discovery Point in Dundee; in Stockton High Street; and East Cleveland Hospital. Showed at Stoke Garden Festival, 1986. Lived at Wennington, Lancaster.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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