Painter and teacher, born in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, later settling to work nearby at Girvan, although she travelled widely overseas. Studied at Glasgow School of Art, 1982–6, winning the Mary Armour Award. In 1990 she added the Lily McDougall Award, in 1996 the RSA’s Latimer Award. Was artist-in-residence at London Hall, Ayr, 1986, and in 1989 became a visiting tutor at Glasgow School of Art. Harrigan exhibited in many national open shows, including RSA, SSWA, Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts, Mercury Gallery in London and Edinburgh, Open Eye Gallery in Edinburgh and elsewhere. Had a series of solo exhibitions at Macaulay Gallery, Stenton, and Christopher Hull Gallery from 1988; Gatehouse Gallery, Glasgow, from 1991; Open Eye Gallery, Edinburgh, from 1992; and Flying Colours Gallery, from 1999.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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