Greenwich from the Park Showing  the Tudor Palace, c.1620

Image credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

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A view of Greenwich from the park, with the Thames and London viewed in the distance. In the foreground of this rural scene a couple are seated with their backs to the viewer, and surrounded by sheep, as they survey the scene. The Tudor Palace and Greenwich can be seen in the distance on the right with the river beyond. Taken from One Tree Hill, Duke Humphrey’s Tower can be seen far on the left on the site of the present Royal Observatory, together with the palace he built when Regent to Henry VI in the 1420s. This was brick faced by Henry VII and extended by later Tudors. In the middle distance are the red brick buildings of Greenwich Palace with the twin Armoury towers on the left, the Friary Chapel with its slender spire in the centre and the Great Tower dominating the buildings on the river.

National Maritime Museum



Greenwich from the Park Showing the Tudor Palace, c.1620


early 17th C


oil on panel


H 29 x W 63.5 cm

Accession number


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National Maritime Museum

Romney Road, Greenwich, London, Greater London SE10 9NF England

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