Artist and teacher, a devout and active Quaker, educated at Bootham School, York, where he studied at the local School of Art. Went to Royal College of Art in 1932, then Ruskin School of Drawing in 1934, his teachers including Albert Rutherston, Gilbert Spencer and Percy Horton. On a trip to America, where he painted intense oils of the Arizona Desert, he met his future wife, Martha Anson, a writer under the name Anne Vernon. After World War II moved to Lewknor, Oxfordshire, the countryside which featured in his pictures, shown with Oxford Art Society and NEAC. Became Ruskin Master of Drawing, 1964–71. A classical painter, fond of working in contact with the direct visual experience, often in the open air.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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