Painter, printmaker, designer, photographer and teacher who studied and taught at Central School of Arts and Crafts under A S Hartrick and Noel Rooke, 1920–6. In 1929 he joined the advertising agency Lintas, working there as a group art director until 1936, and he was included in Beyond the Horizon: Artists at Lintas 1930–1950 at Agnew, 1988. From Lintas he moved to S H Benson’s before joining the Ministry of Information in 1941, where he designed propaganda material for neutral countries. During one night of the Blitz Bishop lost his mother, sister and one of his brothers, and his London flat, with all his completed paintings, was destroyed. In 1945, Bishop became a consultant advertising designer and painter, being particularly noted for his paintings of London.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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