Wooden Panel
Wooden Panel

Image credit: Tony Cooper / Art UK

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A panel framed with two arches, and inscribed.

Wooden Panel


18th C



Accession number


Work type



The Churches Conservation Trust


The Churches Conservation Trust

Work status


Listing status

Grade II* (England and Wales)

Listing date



time restrictions apply

Access note

Church opening times

Inscription description

top segment: This Tree / was planted by one Barbra Wyatt who was so much / attached to it that at the removal of the Village of / Nuneham Courtney she ernestly entreated / that she might remain in her olde habitation / her request was complied with and her Cottage not / pulled down till after her death Anno 1760; and within the left arch: This Tree was planted by a female hand / in the gay dawn of rustic beauty's glow / And fast beside it did her cottage stand, / When age had clothed the matron's head with snow, / To her long used to nature's simple ways, / This single spot was happiness compleat / Her tree could shield her from the noontide blaze / And from the tempest screen her little seat / Here with her colin oft the faithful [maid] / Had led the dance the envious youth among / Here when his aged bones in earth were laid / The patient matron turn'd her wheel and sung / She felt her loss; yet felt it as she ought / Nor dar'd gainst natures general law exclaim: / But checked her tears and to her children taught / That well-known truth their lot would be the same. / Tho Thames before her flow'd his farther shores / She ne'er explor'd, contented with her own.; and within the right arch: And distant Oxford, tho she saw its towers, / To her ambition was a world unknown / Did dreadful tales [the clowns] from market bear / Of kings and tumults, and the courtier train, / She coldly listen'd with unheeding ear / And good queen ANNE for aught she car'd might reign / The sun her day, the seasons mark'd her year / She toil'd, she slept, from care and envy free / For what had she to [hope or] what to fear / Blest with her cottage [and her fav'rite tree] / Hear this ye great whose proud professions spread / O'er earths rich surface to no space confin'd, / Ye learn'd in arts in men in manners read, / Who boast as wide as empire o'er the mind,/With reverence visit her august domain; / To her unletter'd memory bow the knee. / She found that happiness you seek in vain, / Blest with a cottage, and a single tree.


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Located at

All Saints Church (The Harcourt Chapel), Thame Lane, Nuneham Courtenay

OX44 9PH