- Artist: Suzuki, Harunobu, c.1725–1770 Remove
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Harunobu Suzuki
Woman with Servant Carrying a Maple Branch 1725–1770 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)Woman with Servant Carrying a Maple Branch 1725–1770 Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery
Courtesan 1760–1770 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)Courtesan 1760–1770 Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery
Two Bijin Appearing to Mane-emon in a Wood 1760–1770 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)Two Bijin Appearing to Mane-emon in a Wood 1760–1770 Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery
Bijin with a Dog 1760–1770 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)Bijin with a Dog 1760–1770 Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery
A Yoshiwara courtesan kneeling in front of a tray 1770 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)A Yoshiwara courtesan kneeling in front of a tray 1770 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
The Jewel River of Bush-clover, a Famous Place in Ōmi Province | Hagi no Tamagawa, Ōmi no meisho | 萩の玉川 近江の名所 (creator) 1769 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)The Jewel River of Bush-clover, a Famous Place in Ōmi Province | Hagi no Tamagawa, Ōmi no meisho | 萩の玉川 近江の名所 (creator) 1769 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
A Yoshiwara courtesan kneeling, hands outstretched, apparently waiting to receive something 1770 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)A Yoshiwara courtesan kneeling, hands outstretched, apparently waiting to receive something 1770 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
A girl looks from her house onto paddy fields 1725 - 1770 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)A girl looks from her house onto paddy fields 1725 - 1770 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
A girl watching a young man writing a letter 1768 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)A girl watching a young man writing a letter 1768 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
A Yoshiwara courtesan writing a letter 1770 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)A Yoshiwara courtesan writing a letter 1770 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
A Yoshiwara courtesan kneels in front of a stand on which sits a sake cup 1770 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)A Yoshiwara courtesan kneels in front of a stand on which sits a sake cup 1770 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
A Yoshiwara kneeling in front of a tray 1770 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)A Yoshiwara kneeling in front of a tray 1770 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Woman resting under a cherry tree with her maid 1767 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)Woman resting under a cherry tree with her maid 1767 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
A Yoshiwara courtesan kneels beside a brazier, holds a pipe in one hand and a picture book in the other 1770 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)A Yoshiwara courtesan kneels beside a brazier, holds a pipe in one hand and a picture book in the other 1770 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
A Yoshiwara courtesan kneeling on one knee, her head bowed, deep in thought 1770 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)A Yoshiwara courtesan kneeling on one knee, her head bowed, deep in thought 1770 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Plover shell | Chidorigai | 千鳥貝 (descriptive) 1759 Harunobu Suzuki (c.1725–1770)Plover shell | Chidorigai | 千鳥貝 (descriptive) 1759 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford