- Artist: Gresley, Harold, 1892–1967 Remove
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Harold Gresley
Landscape and figure painter in oil and watercolour. Born in Derby, he was the son of the painter Frank Gresley. Studied at Derby School of Art, 1912, then with Arthur Spooner, 1919, at Nottingham School of Art, and at the Royal College of Art.
Text Source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)
Dovedale, Derbyshire Harold Gresley (1892–1967)Dovedale, Derbyshire Portland College
The Convex Mirror 1945 Harold Gresley (1892–1967)The Convex Mirror 1945 Derby Museum and Art Gallery
Frank Gresley (1855–1936) Harold Gresley (1892–1967)Frank Gresley (1855–1936) Derby Museum and Art Gallery
Probably Alderman HR Cleaver c.1938 Harold Gresley (1892–1967)Probably Alderman HR Cleaver c.1938 County Hall Matlock