- Artist: Burrell, Louie, 1873–1971 Remove
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Louie Burrell
Miniaturist, portrait and landscape painter, born into a family of artists, father William Luker, mother Ada Margetts. They did not wish her to study painting and took her away from the South Kensington Art School, sending her to teach art in a local high school.
Text Source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)
Philippa Burrell, the Artist's Daughter, Aged 9 1917 Louie Burrell (1873–1971)Philippa Burrell, the Artist's Daughter, Aged 9 1917 Victoria and Albert Museum
Major-General Sir Walter Maxwell-Scott of Abbotsford (1875–1954), Bt, CB, DSO, Great-Great-Grandson of Sir Walter Scott 1927 Louie Burrell (1873–1971)Major-General Sir Walter Maxwell-Scott of Abbotsford (1875–1954), Bt, CB, DSO, Great-Great-Grandson of Sir Walter Scott 1927 Abbotsford House
Life Class Nude Model 1900–1903 Louie Burrell (1873–1971)Life Class Nude Model 1900–1903 University of Hull Art Collection
Dr John Cole Painted at Trewingan 1908–1909 Louie Burrell (1873–1971)Dr John Cole Painted at Trewingan 1908–1909 Bushey Museum and Art Gallery
Man in Red Trunks Louie Burrell (1873–1971)Man in Red Trunks Bushey Museum and Art Gallery
First World War Officer Louie Burrell (1873–1971)First World War Officer Bushey Museum and Art Gallery
Miss Thursby Pelham 1908–1912 Louie Burrell (1873–1971)Miss Thursby Pelham 1908–1912 Bushey Museum and Art Gallery
Charles Lummis (1859–1928), Los Angeles 1917–1919 Louie Burrell (1873–1971)Charles Lummis (1859–1928), Los Angeles 1917–1919 University of Hull Art Collection
Mrs Millar 1908–1912 Louie Burrell (1873–1971)Mrs Millar 1908–1912 Bushey Museum and Art Gallery
Woman Sitting at a Desk 1920–1930 Louie Burrell (1873–1971)Woman Sitting at a Desk 1920–1930 Bushey Museum and Art Gallery
Philippa as a Baby 1910 Louie Burrell (1873–1971)Philippa as a Baby 1910 Bushey Museum and Art Gallery
A young woman's head, in near profile: 'Philippa' 1920–1927 Louie Burrell (1873–1971)A young woman's head, in near profile: 'Philippa' 1920–1927 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Man seated reading a newspaper: Philip Burrell 1904–1907 Louie Burrell (1873–1971)Man seated reading a newspaper: Philip Burrell 1904–1907 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Man seated reading (Captain Crookshank) 1904 Louie Burrell (1873–1971)Man seated reading (Captain Crookshank) 1904 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Head and Shoulders of a Child 1888–1971 Louie Burrell (1873–1971)Head and Shoulders of a Child 1888–1971 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Woman in a white dress 1917–1919 Louie Burrell (1873–1971)Woman in a white dress 1917–1919 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Head of an Old Man ('Old Sales') 1900–1903 Louie Burrell (1873–1971)Head of an Old Man ('Old Sales') 1900–1903 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford