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Henry Hugh Armstead
Henry Hugh Armstead was born in Bloomsbury, London, England on 18 June 1828 and was the son of John Armstead, a heraldic chaser, with whom he initially trained.
Text Source: Art History Research net (AHR net)
The Triumph of Arts and Letters – The Mechanical Powers 1870 Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)The Triumph of Arts and Letters – The Mechanical Powers 1870 Royal Albert Hall
Queen Victoria (1819–1901) 1887 Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)Queen Victoria (1819–1901) 1887 Exeter Guildhall
The Nativity and the Crucifixion Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)The Nativity and the Crucifixion Holy Trinity Church, Chelsea, Kensington and Chelsea
The Legend of King Arthur: Sir Galahad, Sir Percivale, Sir Bors Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)The Legend of King Arthur: Sir Galahad, Sir Percivale, Sir Bors Parliamentary Art Collection
The Legend of King Arthur: Receives the Sword with the Strange Girdels Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)The Legend of King Arthur: Receives the Sword with the Strange Girdels Parliamentary Art Collection
The Legend of King Arthur: Sir Galahad's Soul Borne to Heaven Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)The Legend of King Arthur: Sir Galahad's Soul Borne to Heaven Parliamentary Art Collection
The Legend of King Arthur: Sir Galahad Brought unto the Siege Perillous Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)The Legend of King Arthur: Sir Galahad Brought unto the Siege Perillous Parliamentary Art Collection
The Legend of King Arthur: The Misadventure of the Adder Beginning the Battaile Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)The Legend of King Arthur: The Misadventure of the Adder Beginning the Battaile Parliamentary Art Collection
The Legend of King Arthur: King Arthur Wedded to Guenever Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)The Legend of King Arthur: King Arthur Wedded to Guenever Parliamentary Art Collection
The Legend of King Arthur: Arthur Recognised as King Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)The Legend of King Arthur: Arthur Recognised as King Parliamentary Art Collection
The Legend of King Arthur: Arthur Delivered unto Merlin Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)The Legend of King Arthur: Arthur Delivered unto Merlin Parliamentary Art Collection
Aristotle (384 BC–322 BC) c.1860 Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)Aristotle (384 BC–322 BC) c.1860 Oxford University Museum of Natural History
The Albert Memorial 1864–1876 John Henry Foley (1818–1874) and Thomas Brock (1847–1922) and Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905) and George Gilbert Scott (1811–1878) and John Bell (1811–1895) and John Lawlor (1820–1901) and Patrick MacDowell (1799–1870) and William Calder Marshall (1813–1894) and John Birnie Philip (1824–1875) and James Frank Redfern (1837–1876) and William Theed II (1804–1891) and Thomas Thornycroft (1815–1885) and Henry Weekes I (1807–1877) and Farmer and Brindley (active 1851–1929) and John Kelk (1816–1886) and Francis Webb Sheilds (1820–1906) and Francis Alfred Skidmore (1817–1896) and John Richard Clayton (1827–1913) and Antonio Salviati (1816–1890) and H. Prince & Co. and Elkington & Co. and R. Masefield & Co.The Albert Memorial 1864–1876 Kensington Gardens, Knightsbridge, Westminster
The Legend of King Arthur: The Knights of the Round Table Vowing to Seek the Sancgreal Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)The Legend of King Arthur: The Knights of the Round Table Vowing to Seek the Sancgreal Parliamentary Art Collection
Thomas Waghorn (1800–1850) 1888 Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905) and Moore & Co.Thomas Waghorn (1800–1850) 1888 New Road, Chatham, Kent
George Edmund Street (1824–1881) Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)George Edmund Street (1824–1881) The Royal Institute of British Architects
Roundels with Prophets Henry Wilson (1864–1934) and Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)Roundels with Prophets Holy Trinity Church, Kensington, Kensington and Chelsea
Study of a Female Figure for 'Remorse' c.1903 Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)Study of a Female Figure for 'Remorse' c.1903 Royal Academy of Arts
Design for the 1856 Goodwood Cup 1856 Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)Design for the 1856 Goodwood Cup 1856 Royal Academy of Arts
The Ever Reigning Queen c.1880 Henry Hugh Armstead (1828–1905)The Ever Reigning Queen c.1880 Royal Academy of Arts