- Artist: Alsop, Will, 1947–2018 Remove
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Will Alsop
Artist, architect and teacher, born in Northampton where he studied at the School of Art, 1967. As well as being a partner for a time in Will Alsop & John Lyall, architects, Alsop taught at the Architectural Association and in the sculpture department of St Martin’s School of Art.
Text Source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)
Untitled 1* Will Alsop (1947–2018)Untitled 1* South Kensington and Chelsea Mental Health Centre
Untitled 4* Will Alsop (1947–2018)Untitled 4* South Kensington and Chelsea Mental Health Centre
Untitled 2* Will Alsop (1947–2018)Untitled 2* South Kensington and Chelsea Mental Health Centre
'Room 5' Will Alsop (1947–2018)'Room 5' South Kensington and Chelsea Mental Health Centre
Belsay Wall 2008 Will Alsop (1947–2018)Belsay Wall 2008 South Kensington and Chelsea Mental Health Centre
St Charles – A Work 2007 Will Alsop (1947–2018)St Charles – A Work 2007 St Charles Hospital
Untitled 3* Will Alsop (1947–2018)Untitled 3* South Kensington and Chelsea Mental Health Centre
Fog is an Urban Experience c.2007 Will Alsop (1947–2018)Fog is an Urban Experience c.2007 Royal Academy of Arts