- Artist: Sutherland, Scott, 1910–1984 Remove
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Scott Sutherland
Sculptor and teacher, born in Wick, Caithness. He studied at Gray’s School of Art, 1928–9, Edinburgh College of Art with Alexander Carrick, 1929–33, L’École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, 1934, then for another year in several countries on the continent and North Africa.
Text Source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)
Black Watch Monument 1959 Scott Sutherland (1910–1984)Black Watch Monument 1959 Emmock Road, City of Dundee
Wrestlers Scott Sutherland (1910–1984)Wrestlers Wick Library (High Life Highland)
Elspeth 1952 Scott Sutherland (1910–1984)Elspeth 1952 The McManus: Dundee's Art Gallery and Museum
Alayne 1960 Scott Sutherland (1910–1984)Alayne 1960 Royal Scottish Academy of Art & Architecture
The Unicorn 1971 Scott Sutherland (1910–1984)The Unicorn 1971 25 Nethergate, City of Dundee
The Pillars 1953 Scott Sutherland (1910–1984)The Pillars 1953 22 City Square, City of Dundee
Commando Memorial 1951 Scott Sutherland (1910–1984) and H. H. Martyn & Co. (active 1888–1971)Commando Memorial 1951 B8004, Spean Bridge, Highland
Lord Dowding (1882–1970) Memorial 1972 D. Bruce Walker and Scott Sutherland (1910–1984)Lord Dowding (1882–1970) Memorial 1972 Station Park, Moffat, Dumfries and Galloway
Robert Burns (1759–1796) 1959 Scott Sutherland (1910–1984)Robert Burns (1759–1796) 1959 Arbroath Library
Figure of Second World War Black Watch Soldier 1959 Scott Sutherland (1910–1984)Figure of Second World War Black Watch Soldier 1959 The Black Watch Castle & Museum