The Artist's Daughter with Her Dog at Thoresby Hall Marie-Louise Roosevelt Pierrepont (1889–1984)The Artist's Daughter with Her Dog at Thoresby Hall Thoresby Courtyard
Billiard Room, Thoresby Hall Marie-Louise Roosevelt Pierrepont (1889–1984)Billiard Room, Thoresby Hall Thoresby Courtyard
The Blue Mantlepiece Marie-Louise Roosevelt Pierrepont (1889–1984)The Blue Mantlepiece Thoresby Courtyard
Le chambre vert 1947 Marie-Louise Roosevelt Pierrepont (1889–1984)Le chambre vert 1947 Thoresby Courtyard
The White Drawing Room/Tapestry Room, Thoresby Hall Marie-Louise Roosevelt Pierrepont (1889–1984)The White Drawing Room/Tapestry Room, Thoresby Hall Thoresby Courtyard