Painter, draughtsman and teacher, born in Oxford. She did Voluntary Service Overseas, 1970–1, in Kenya, then gained a degree in town and regional planning at Sheffield University, 1971–4. After working for planning consultants she attended Hornsey College of Art, 1975–6, then Central School of Art & Design, 1976–9, winning the Phoebe Llewellyn-Smith Prize in 1978. Was then at Slade School of Fine Art, 1979–81, gaining a Boise Travelling Scholarship in 1981. Eventually joined the staff of Birmingham Polytechnic as a visiting lecturer, having been a junior fellow at Cardiff College of Art. Teaching also included Portsmouth Polytechnic, Sunningwell School of Art, Oxfordshire County Council Community Education and The Merriscourt Gallery.
Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)